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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 6:43 pm 
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You make a very good point, Nicholas. Over the years, I've had to defend my love for college radio and tastes in music in many of the same words that you just used to describe your show. I apologize for any rude remarks I may have made about your type of show. Just because the music isn't to my taste, that doesn't make it bad. As for the whole "God" thing, well that's another story... :wink: (just kidding... well, kinda...)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:04 pm 

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It's all good!
Thanks for understanding,

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:47 am 

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Hey, Nicholas -

Loved your post, you've got a great point. I'm a religious liberal myself, so I know where you're coming from... hope you won't let any of that keep you from coming back to the site! :)


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:06 pm 
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zabic wrote:
..................................... For a long time we didn't have ANY Ramones songs in the computer, which I found horrible.............

Computer? :shock: we did not have those fancy 'smancy computers :wink:

Cart machines, reel to reels (actually manually cut tape - can you believe).. and T T's - playing Vinyl

Some of you will/can 'member when we got the first cd player in the south. Think we had like 2 cds. .. :D but Alien worked some magic and by years end we had a couple hundred.

on a more recent note, I was in BR this weekend and had the chance to catch some listening time.. sounds good. just need to get a feed online happening.

:twisted: spawn :twisted:

"I'm the bad thoughts inside your head"

My Pandora Channels

 Post subject: Computers and such
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:15 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:43 pm
Posts: 4
Thanks, Rocketman! Yeah, it sure is tough, sometimes.
To Scott, I was there when we switched into the new control room and installed the computer and everything. It was an odd feeling. I kept a bunch of our show carts and such, though. I guess someday I'll come across one of those machines for cheap, and pick it up so I can listen to them.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:08 pm 
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I think I might have a cart machine that still works (and records, too!) around here somewhere. If you want it (and I can find where we put it), it's yours.


 Post subject: Re: "Fundamentalist"
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:31 am 
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Don't let the choice of words make you nervous.

Nicholas wrote:
A. This word is usually applied to the religious right (I am a liberal and my co-host is a moderate), and B. I'm not so sure that a show featuring rock music by Christians and a host that makes dick jokes qualifies as fundamentalist.

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:49 pm 

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Zabic Wrote: "Don't let the choice of words make you nervous. "

What are they supposed to make me?

That would rock! If you want to mail it, I could send you a money order for the shipping, or, if you are ever in the BR, we could work something out.


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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:38 pm 
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Nicholas, We'll have to work out a meeting, as the thing wieghs a ton. (I did find it.)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:42 am 

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I rescued a bunch of the old station CDs. They were letting people root through old boxes of discs at one point and I must have grabbed several hundred. Unfortunately, many of them ended up in my storage unit in New Orleans. Who knows if they will survive. I have a lot of old goth and industrial stuff that I brought out with me when I moved, including some fairly rare stuff. I was listening to an abandoned KLSU cd today in my car.

You'll be glad to know that at one point some of the old CDs that I rescued went into rotation afterwards. I was a post-Gauthier station manager and there were a lot of complaints that the station catered to a small section of the student population, which I knew was (is?) contrary to FCC rules for college radio. When I became program director I brought a couple hundred cds back from the old stacks and added them to the rotation. I also added non-Cowboy-Mouth local music back in.

Who knows where those CDs are now?

Speaking of Cowboy Mouth, I know someone here who loves them and likes to torture me by following me around when I'm drunk and singing Jenny Says. Fred LeBlanc had the biggest crush on Teresa (I think it was Teresa) and he showed up to the station regularly and unannounced. He somehow always managed to be sweaty and stinky. Jenny says SHUT UP!

 Post subject: CD's
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 9:25 pm 

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My guess is some of the Cd's made it to that CD exchange near Highland and College, for some beer money....just a guess....most of the record companies sent BS, or would send 20 copies...I heard Joachim sold a bunch of them....that's how he got his POUND OF COFFEE to give away on the "International Show"

Just kidding.

Big Co
KLSU Afternoon Drive 1997

 Post subject: Mad Grab
PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:50 pm 

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I remember nabbing Afrika Bambaataa and some old hip-hop...and talking with Zabic about one release.

In the mad grad for vinyl, I saw a Channel 9 (punk) album being ditched. I know a few people got some good vinyl...like many seeds in the wind, they are everywhere.

Whatever CDs got there post 1994, if they got ditched, I spose I'm glad. Darren G. really caused some damage at KLSU's format, and it wasn't until the huge rise of specialty shows, of which Zabic and myself were a samll part of, that the station got better. I remember a future (now-former) KLSU Programming Director sitting in with me on my shows, and having to fight tooth in nail to with one of Darren G's proteges to let him in with me.

Nonetheless, we took the station back, and by 2001 and later...it was truly the spirit of KLSU as I remember hearing it for the first time in 1991.

 Post subject: The great music giveaway
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:48 pm 

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Over a span of a year or two, the music stacks began to move out of the DJ area and closer to the back door near the parking lot. Keith was the music director when the great record ooze began, and approached it as if he were the greatest santa of all time... and some of us eventually had car trunks full of crash worship, jesus lizard, early b-52s, issac hayes- stuff we all knew the station should be playing, but for political reasons couldn't...

The greatest part of these record are the handwritten reviews! And the very unique klsu grafitti that I am sure lives on....

 Post subject: Re: Mad Grab
PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:01 am 
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Milkman wrote:
it was truly the spirit of KLSU as I remember hearing it for the first time in 1991.

Yo Milkman! Respect!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:35 pm 
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LaLaLaLaura wrote:
The greatest part of these record are the handwritten reviews! And the very unique klsu grafitti that I am sure lives on....

Don't forget that it took A LOT of work to get some of those records. I remember Jeff Suhy getting LPs directly from Edward Ka-Spel, John McNally getting records from RRRRecords, and I spent a lot of time chasing down LPs from labels myself.

I remember becoming damn near frozen with joy and desire when I first set foot in the stacks in the old stadium station. And I spent hours and hours copying LPs to cassettes. I helped move those LPs to the new station. It was an immensely valuable library (better than WTUL's, let me tell you). I held great respect for a lot of those records. Some of those LPs could not be found anywhere and were exceedingly rare.

And then all that work and love goes down the drain, to be carted away by the trunkload because of some political bullshit. It breaks my heart.

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