Discovered the site a couple of months back, and I've been lurking. Thought I'd post b/c Barry was having a hard time respond to his "Who did you interview" thread (I'll post there next).
I think you were the guy that hired me, Barry (were you Program or Music Director in 1989?). You're one of the few people on the board I think I knew (though you may not remember me).
Anyway, I'm now in FL working as a technical writer in the environmental field. I have a wife and two wonderful kids (one of whom I "inherited" from my wife). Did a little zine that I distributed across the Gulf Coast for a while after got my doctorate ("It's the Music, Stupid!"). After that, I wrote a regular music column for a local newsweekly here for a while. Now, I mostly just work my job and help take care of my family. Life's pretty good.
Hi to everybody!
Brother John