KLSU alumni.net

memorial for drew
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Author:  dez crawford [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  memorial for drew

Just heard Drew Martin died and just found this site. Hi gang, it's Dez Rabeneck (now Crawford), the Midnight Rambler. My heart is huge, heavy and sad for the loss of Drew. I know that he was greeted on the other side by our long dear departed Patty Owens, and considering that the Bayou burned down in May 2002, the Bayou is in Heaven now, too, so I would like to think that Patty and Drew are having a long cold one at the bar, where it's always Wednesday. I see Patty in her eternal jeans and tank top, and Drew in his Panama hat, Hawaiian shirt, cut-offs and flip flops. May the beer be cold forever for them.


Dez and Dave Crawford, signing in to the drop sheet from Baton Rouge.

Please visit my wee WPRG blog, "thedropsheet.blogspot.com." and email me your news so I can post it on my blog.

Author:  Jenni [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:09 am ]
Post subject: 

I, too, just found out about Drew (on this website). I can't tell you how sad this makes me. Drew was one of my closest friends at KLSU and was always there for me. He was such a good, kind person and taught me so much. I haven't seen him since he moved away, but have thought of him on occasion and missed him. I'm going to miss him even more now. :cry:


Author:  dez crawford [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  missing Drew

Hi Jenni. I have felt guilty the past few years for losing touch with so many people, including Drew. Now I really can't pick up the phone and say, "Hey, ol' buddy."

Verizon doesn't go that far.

Drew's death prompted me to try to better re-connect with folks.

More bad news, Jim Engster was in a serious car accident and nearly died but is recovering. He is at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center.
Call 225-765-6565 and ask for room T433. I am sure he would like to hear from people.


Author:  The Last WPRG Jock [ Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow - I see this is an old message, but I just discovered the board today. What a shame.

Wrote about Drew in my posting in telling a story where he was on right after my show. Think he was Station Manager the semester I began too.

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