KLSU alumni.net

old playlists
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Author:  zabic [ Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  old playlists

There's a recent discussion on klsu.fm on what was played on KLSU in the 80s. Did any of you 80s KLSU djs keep their old playlists? Could you post some of them? What was played more often Metallica or Replacements?

PS = feel free to post those playlists here as well.

Oh, any by the way, after retiring last year from KLSU, I continued my show on KUTE.

Author:  scottmph [ Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: old playlists

zabic wrote:
There's a recent discussion on klsu.fm on what was played on KLSU in the 80s. Did any of you 80s KLSU djs keep their old playlists? Could you post some of them? What was played more often Metallica or Replacements?

PS = feel free to post those playlists here as well.

Oh, any by the way, after retiring last year from KLSU, I continued my show on KUTE.

I have a few...I'll try to scan and post

Author:  Jenni [ Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have almost all of mine! I think Barry has a bunch of his as well. Recently, I unearthed a small stack of Dr. Death's too!

To answer your question, it was more Replacements than Mettalica. We barely played any metal... only the occasional jock did, and even then it was sparingly.

I also have all my old newsletters, whick have our top played list.

If I get industrius, I might scan some of these for you.


Author:  zabic [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Please get industrious. Those are documents from a very important era, the way I see it.

Author:  vaudevillain [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

If anyone is looking for a show on KLSU that actually plays real underground 80's stuff (no Journey allowed!), there's a show now airing on Thursday night at 11pm called WESTERBERG HIGH. (Guess what band they love to play on this show!)

Their motto is "From #1 Record to Slanted+Enchanted," or basically from Big Star in the last 70's to early Pavement in the early 90's.

They spin everything from Mission of Burma to The Replacements to Sonic Youth and more so check it out!

Author:  genegene [ Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: old playlists

zabic wrote:
Did any of you 80s KLSU djs keep their old playlists?

I'm pretty sure I have a pile of them somewhere. I also have tapes of some of my shows. In fact, I just put a cassette player in my car so I could listen to them.

What was played more often Metallica or Replacements?

I didn't play much of either. Too much other good stuff was available at the time. And Metallica was wimpy compared to the crunchy industrial stuff released at the time: Skinny Puppy, Controlled Bleeding, a; Grumh;, etc.

Music you'd be likely to hear on one of my shows: Steve Strange, Fibonaccis, Foetus, Tintern Abbey, Legendary Pink Dots, Happy Flowers, the Frogs, and Slovenly. Always Slovenly. God I love Slovenly.

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